.NET Final Year IEEE Projects
As a computer science student, you’re likely familiar with the .NET framework and its many capabilities. But have you ever considered using it for your final year project?
The .NET framework is a powerful tool for building a wide range of software applications, from web apps to desktop programs and mobile apps. It’s versatile, robust, and widely used in industry, making it an excellent choice for your final year project.
From the following you can see the .NET IEEE Final Year Projects using ASP.Net, C#.net & SQL Server. All the projects which are mentioned here are Readymade projects which are readily available to deliver. If you wish to purchase a project, then you can email us the project title (or) whatsapp the project title, so we can send the details of the project with the payment modes of it.
Cloud Computing based IEEE Projects in .NET
Explore cutting-edge Cloud Computing based IEEE Projects in .NET at JP INFOTECH. Our meticulously crafted projects harness the power of cloud technology, offering innovative solutions and insights. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or industry professional, our curated selection of IEEE projects in the .NET framework caters to various interests and applications. These projects are designed to align with the latest industry trends and academic standards, making them ideal for enhancing your knowledge and skills. With JP INFOTECH, you’re one step closer to mastering cloud computing and staying at the forefront of technological advancements using C#.net, ASP.net and SQL Server.
Sl. No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1902 | Data Integrity Auditing without Private Key Storage for Secure Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1903 | Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1904 | Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Keyword Search in Shared Multi-owner Setting | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1905 | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1907 | Revocable Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy Re-encryption for Data Sharing in Clouds | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1908 | Secure Phrase Search for Intelligent Processing of Encrypted Data in Cloud-Based IoT | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1942 | A Secure and Efficient Digital-Data-Sharing System for Cloud Environments | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1943 | Heterogeneous Data Storage Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1803 | Achieving Data Truthfulness and Privacy Preservation in Data Markets | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
10 | JPD1804 | An Efficient Ranked Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners Over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
11 | JPD1805 | Anonymous and Traceable Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
12 | JPD1807 | Catch You if You Misbehave: Ranked Keyword Search Results Verification in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
13 | JPD1808 | Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Signcryption With Verifiable Outsourced Designcryption for Sharing Personal Health Records | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
14 | JPD1809 | Cloud Storage for Electronic Health Records Based on Secret Sharing with Verifiable Reconstruction Outsourcing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
15 | JPD1812 | Fine-Grained Two-Factor Protection Mechanism for Data Sharing in Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
16 | JPD1813 | Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation Toolkit in the Cloud | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
17 | JPD1814 | Secure and Efficient Product Information Retrieval in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
18 | JPD1815 | Semantic-based Compound Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
19 | JPD1838 | A Secure and Verifiable Access Control Scheme for Big Data Storage in Clouds | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
20 | JPD1702 | Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
21 | JPD1703 | Dynamic-Hash-Table Based Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
22 | JPD1704 | Enabling Semantic Search based on Conceptual Graphs over Encrypted Outsourced Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
23 | JPD1706 | Keyword Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
24 | JPD1707 | MMBcloud-tree: Authenticated Index for Verifiable Cloud Service Selection | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
25 | JPD1708 | Privacy Protection Based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-Based Services | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
26 | JPD1710 | Privacy-Preserving Smart Semantic Search Based on Conceptual Graphs Over Encrypted Outsourced Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
27 | JPD1711 | SeDaSC: Secure Data Sharing in Clouds | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
28 | JPD1712 | Strong Key-Exposure Resilient Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
29 | JPD1713 | TAFC: Time and Attribute Factors Combined Access Control for Time-Sensitive Data in Public Cloud | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
30 | JPD1714 | User Differentiated Verifiable File Search on the Cloud | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
31 | JPD1715 | VPSearch: Achieving Verifiability for Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
32 | JPD1601 | A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
33 | JPD1603 | Circuit Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in Cloud Computing | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
34 | JPD1604 | Conjunctive Keyword Search with Designated Tester and Timing Enabled Proxy Re-Encryption Function for E-Health Clouds | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
35 | JPD1605 | Dynamic and Public Auditing with Fair Arbitration for Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
36 | JPD1607 | Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing With Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
37 | JPD1608 | Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control for Web-Based Cloud Computing Services | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
38 | JPD1609 | Identity-Based Proxy-Oriented Data Uploading and Remote Data Integrity Checking in Public Cloud | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
39 | JPD1610 | KSF-OABE: Outsourced Attribute-Based Encryption with Keyword Search Function for Cloud Storage | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
40 | JPD1611 | Leveraging Data Deduplication to Improve the Performance of Primary Storage Systems in the Cloud | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
41 | JPD1613 | Trust-but-Verify: Verifying Result Correctness of Outsourced Frequent Itemset Mining in Data-Mining-As-a-Service Paradigm | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
42 | JPD1639 | Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
43 | JPD1509 | PSMPA: Patient Self-Controllable and Multi-Level Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Authentication in Distributed m-Healthcare Cloud Computing System | Link | Cloud Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Data Mining based IEEE Projects in .NET
At JP INFOTECH, we present an exceptional collection of Data Mining based IEEE Projects in .NET that are designed to foster innovation and knowledge. Dive into the world of data discovery and analysis with our meticulously curated projects, each aimed at providing valuable insights and solutions in various domains. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a researcher, our projects align with the latest industry trends and academic standards, ensuring a rewarding learning experience. With our Data Mining projects, you’ll harness the power of data to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Explore the possibilities today and embark on a journey of discovery with JP INFOTECH.
Sl.No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1911 | Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding for Recommendation | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1914 | Privacy-Preserving Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking-Based Recommendation | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1940 | Collaborative Filtering-based Electricity Plan Recommender System | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1816 | A Clinical Decision Support Framework for Heterogeneous Data Sources | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1819 | Personalized Market Basket Prediction with Temporal Annotated Recurring Sequences | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1716 | A Multi-Agent Advanced Traveler Information System for Optimal Trip Planning in a Co-Modal Framework | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1717 | Continuous Top-k Monitoring on Document Streams | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1718 | Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1719 | Dynamic Facet Ordering for Faceted Product Search Engines | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
10 | JPD1720 | Efficient Keyword-aware Representative Travel Route Recommendation | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
11 | JPD1722 | GALLOP: GlobAL feature fused Location Prediction for Different Check-in Scenarios | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
12 | JPD1724 | Influence Maximization in Trajectory Databases | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
13 | JPD1615 | Personalized Travel Sequence Recommendation on Multi-Source Big Social Media | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
14 | JPD1616 | Practical Approximate k Nearest Neighbor Queries with Location and Query Privacy | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
15 | JPD1617 | Text Mining the Contributors to Rail Accidents | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
16 | JPD1618 | User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users’ Rating Behaviors | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
17 | JPD1633 | Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Association Rule Mining on Vertically Partitioned Databases | Link | Data Mining | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Secure Computing based IEEE Projects in .NET
At JP INFOTECH, we’re your gateway to the future of Secure Computing through our IEEE Projects in .NET. Our carefully curated projects are dedicated to the advancement of secure computing and data protection. Whether you’re a student or a professional, our projects are designed to provide hands-on experience in building secure systems and safeguarding critical data. With a focus on the latest industry trends and security best practices, our projects empower you to explore innovative solutions that address contemporary security challenges. Discover the world of secure computing with JP INFOTECH and take a step toward a safer, more resilient digital landscape.
Sl. No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1917 | A Novel Machine Learning Algorithm for Spammer Identification in Industrial Mobile Cloud Computing | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1919 | Achieving Data Truthfulness and Privacy Preservation in Data Markets | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1922 | Efficient and Privacy-preserving Online Fingerprint Authentication Scheme Over Outsourced Data | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1923 | Scalable Access Control For Privacy-Aware Media Sharing | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1927 | Authentication by Encrypted Negative Password | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1938 | Securing Data in Internet of Things (IoT) Using Cryptography and Steganography Techniques | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1829 | Searchable Encryption over Feature-Rich Data | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1736 | Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1631 | Detecting and Removing Web Application Vulnerabilities with Static Analysis and Data Mining | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
10 | JPD1632 | ID2S Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
11 | JPD1637 | EPLQ: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Query Over Outsourced Encrypted Data | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
12 | JPD1638 | Publicly Verifiable Inner Product Evaluation over Outsourced Data Streams under Multiple Keys | Link | Secure Computing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Social Networking based IEEE Projects in .NET
Welcome to JP INFOTECH’s realm of innovation, where we bridge the gap between technology and social networking with our IEEE Projects in .NET. Our projects redefine connectivity, bringing you innovative solutions that leverage the power of social networks to address real-world challenges. Whether you’re a budding enthusiast or an experienced professional, our projects offer a dynamic journey into the social networking landscape. Explore new horizons, creating platforms for collaboration, communication, and community building. At JP INFOTECH, we’re all about harnessing the potential of digital connectivity for a brighter, more interconnected future. Dive into our Social Networking projects and become a part of the revolution.
Sl. No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1929 | Credibility Evaluation of Twitter-Based Event Detection by a Mixing Analysis of Heterogeneous Data | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1930 | Predicting Cyberbullying on Social Media in the Big Data Era Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Review of Literature and Open Challenges | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1822 | Analyzing and Detecting Money-Laundering Accounts in Online Social Networks | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1824 | Event Detection and Identification of Influential Spreaders in Social Media Data Streams | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1734 | NetSpam: a Network-based Spam Detection Framework for Reviews in Online Social Media | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1735 | Privacy-Preserving Selective Aggregation of Online User Behavior Data | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1737 | Leveraging Crowdsourcing for Efficient Malicious Users Detection in Large-Scale Social Networks | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1738 | SPFM: Scalable and Privacy-preserving Friend Matching in Mobile Cloud | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1622 | Optimizing Cost for Online Social Networks on Geo-Distributed Clouds | Link | Social Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Image Processing based IEEE Projects in .NET
At JP INFOTECH, we invite you to embark on a visual journey into the world of innovation with our Image Processing based IEEE Projects in .NET. Our projects are a fusion of art and technology, leveraging cutting-edge image processing techniques to transform pixels into powerful solutions. Whether you’re an aspiring visionary or an experienced professional, our projects offer a canvas for exploring the endless possibilities of digital imagery. Dive into the realm of image enhancement, pattern recognition, and computer vision, and witness the transformative potential of images. Join us at JP INFOTECH as we decode the language of pixels and create a visual future, one project at a time.
Sl. No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1934 | New Framework of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1831 | Efficient Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1739 | A Novel Data Hiding Algorithm for High Dynamic Range Images | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1614 | A Mixed Generative-Discriminative Based Hashing Method | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1634 | Content-Adaptive Steganography by Minimizing Statistical Detectability | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1635 | Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding over Encrypted Domain via Key Modulation | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1636 | Securing SIFT: Privacy-preserving Outsourcing Computation of Feature Extractions over Encrypted Image Data | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1534 | Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1528 | Automatic Face Naming by Learning Discriminative Affinity Matrices From Weakly Labeled Images | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
10 | JPD1529 | Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints | Link | Image Processing | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Networking based IEEE Projects in .NET
Discover the dynamic realm of networking through our Networking based IEEE Projects in .NET at JP INFOTECH. Our curated projects are a gateway to the interconnected world, offering a blend of innovation and expertise. Whether you’re an enthusiast exploring networking concepts or a professional seeking advanced insights, our projects cater to various levels of expertise. Dive into the architecture of network systems, explore security aspects, and delve into emerging technologies shaping the future of connectivity. With an emphasis on real-world applications, these projects present a comprehensive learning experience, equipping you with the skills needed to thrive in the evolving landscape of networking. Join us at JP INFOTECH and embark on a journey of discovery in the fascinating world of networking.
Sl. No. | Project Code | .Net Project Title | Output Video | Domain | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) |
1 | JPD1941 | A Secure and Efficient Data Sharing and Searching Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
2 | JPD1840 | PROVEST: Provenance-based Trust Model for Delay Tolerant Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
3 | JPD1726 | E2HRC: An Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Ring Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
4 | JPD1727 | Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Network Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
5 | JPD1728 | Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile ad-hoc Network Using the Fitness Function | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
6 | JPD1729 | Lightweight Three-factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Internet-integrated Wireless Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
7 | JPD1730 | Research on Trust Sensing based Secure Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
8 | JPD1731 | Traffic Decorrelation Techniques for Countering a Global Eavesdropper in WSNs | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
9 | JPD1732 | Cooperative Query Answer Authentication Scheme over Anonymous Sensing Data | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
10 | JPD1619 | Efficient Certificateless Access Control for Wireless Body Area Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
11 | JPD1620 | Finding Nonequivalent Classifiers in Boolean Space to Reduce TCAM Usage | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
12 | JPD1621 | Geographic and Opportunistic Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
13 | JPD1623 | Secure and Efficient data communication protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
14 | JPD1624 | A Joint Time Synchronization and Localization Design for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
15 | JPD1625 | DaGCM: A Concurrent Data Uploading Framework for Mobile Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
16 | JPD1626 | Service Usage Classification with Encrypted Internet Traffic in Mobile Messaging Apps | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
17 | JPD1628 | WORAL: A Witness Oriented Secure Location Provenance Framework for Mobile Devices | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
18 | JPD1629 | Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols for Parallel Network File Systems | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
19 | JPD1630 | Real-Time Semantic Search Using Approximate Methodology for Large-Scale Storage Systems | Link | Networks | .Net | Rs.3000/ |
Ready to Get Started?
Your final year IEEE project is more than just an academic requirement; it’s your opportunity to showcase your skills and passion for technology. With JP INFOTECH, you have a partner to guide you through this journey. Explore our collection of .NET Final Year IEEE Projects and take your first step towards a successful and fulfilling career in the tech industry.
For any inquiries or to get started on your project, Contact Us.