Table of contents
- Machine Learning Projects, Artificial Intelligence Projects, Deep Learning Projects for Final Year Computer Science
- Python Final Year IEEE Projects 2024 – 2025 / Python IEEE Papers 2024 -2025
- Python IEEE Final Year Projects 2023 – 2024
- Other Python IEEE Project Titles
- Python IEEE Machine Learning Projects
- Python IEEE Deep Learning Projects
- Click Here for Python Final Year Projects (Application Projects / Non-IEEE Projects)
- Python Machine Learning IEEE Projects – Pioneering Research and Innovation
- Get Your Python IEEE Project Today!
Machine Learning Projects, Artificial Intelligence Projects, Deep Learning Projects for Final Year Computer Science
Welcome to JP INFOTECH’s Python IEEE Projects hub, where we bridge the gap between academia and industry by offering a diverse range of projects aligned with IEEE base paper. If you’re a student or researcher seeking to explore cutting-edge Python projects that adhere to industry-leading standards, you’ve come to the right place. At JP Infotech, we provide innovative and high-quality Python projects with source code that are tailored to meet your academic requirements.
From the following you can see the Python IEEE Final Year Projects 2024 – 2025 on Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), NLP etc.. If you click the project title, you can see the details of the project with the output Video of it.
If you wish to purchase a project, then you can purchase it through the Buy Link given. In case if the Buy Link is not available (or) if you face any problem in purchasing through Buy link, then you can email us the project title (or) WhatsApp the project title, so we can send the details of the project with the payment modes of it. If you have any other specific requirements also you can mention us with the details. We develop customized projects too according to the possibilities.
Python Final Year IEEE Projects 2024 – 2025 / Python IEEE Papers 2024 -2025
Sl. No. | Project Code | Python Project Title | Domain | Algorithm / Model Used | Technology | Project Cost (In Indian Rupees) | Buy Link |
1 | JPPY2401 | Helmet and Number Plate Detection using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | YOLOv8 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
2 | JPPY2402 | Malware Analysis and Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm | Machine Learning | Extra Tree Classifier and Logistic Regression. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
3 | JPPY2403 | Efficient Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy through Deep Learning | Deep Learning | MobileNetV2 Architecture and DenseNet201 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
4 | JPPY2404 | Brain Stroke Detection System based on CT images using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | CNN Model Architecture and LSTM Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
5 | JPPY2405 | Oral Cancer Detection using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | ResNet152V2 Architecture and MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
6 | JPPY2406 | SMS Spam Detection using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | SVC (Support Vector Classifier) and CatBoost. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
7 | JPPY2407 | Road Pothole Detection using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | YOLOv8 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
8 | JPPY2408 | Intelligent Weapon Detection System for Real Time Surveillance using Deep Learning with YOLOv8 | Deep Learning | YOLOv8 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
9 | JPPY2409 | Yoga Pose Detection using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | YOLOv8 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000 | Buy Link |
10 | JPPY2410 | Machine Learning based Employee Attrition Prediction and Layoff Prediction System | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier, Bagging Classifier & Gradient Boosting Regressor, Random Forest Regressor | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
11 | JPPY2411 | Sleep Disorder Prediction Using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Gradient Boosting Classifier and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
12 | JPPY2412 | E-Commerce Fraud Detection Based on Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Stacking Classifier, XGB Classifier. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
13 | JPPY2413 | Electric Vehicle (EV) Price Prediction using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Gradient Boosting Regressor, Extratree Regressor | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
14 | JPPY2414 | Smartphone Addiction Prediction Using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Stacking Classifier Model, CatBoost Classifier, ExtraTrees Classifier | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
15 | JPPY2415 | Obesity Risk Prediction using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | XGBoost Classifier, Stacking Classifier | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
16 | JPPY2416 | Health Insurance Price Prediction using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Random Forest Regressor, Stacking Regressor. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
17 | JPPY2417 | Smart Diabetes Prediction System Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Machine Learning | Stacking Classifier, ExtraTree Classifier, LGBM Classifier, CatBoost Classifier. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
18 | JPPY2418 | A System for Automated Vehicle Damage Localization and Severity Estimation Using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | YOLOv8 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
19 | JPPY2419 | Deep Learning based Blood Group Detection using Fingerprint | Deep Learning | MobileNetV2 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
20 | JPPY2420 | Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Machine Learning on Patient Data and Deep Learning | Machine Learning / Deep Learning | Stacking Classifier, CatBoost Classifier & DenseNet201 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
21 | JPPY2421 | Deep Learning-Based Dual-Modal Bird Species Identification Using Audio and Images | Deep Learning | Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Model, Xception Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
22 | JPPY2422 | Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning and Fertilizer Recommendation | Deep Learning | InceptionV3 Architecture, MobileNetV2 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
23 | JPPY2423 | Automated Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction and Classification from X-ray Images Using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | VGG16 Model, MobileNetV2 Model | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
24 | JPPY2424 | Cervical Cancer Prediction and Classification Using Deep Learning on Medical Image Data | Deep Learning | Xception Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
25 | JPPY2425 | Fruit Quality Detection using Deep Learning for Rotten and Fresh Fruits Classification | Deep Learning | InceptionResNetV2 Architecture, MobileNetV2 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
Python IEEE Final Year Projects 2023 – 2024
Sl. No. | Project Code | Python Project Title | Domain | Algorithm / Model Used | Technology | Project Cost | Buy Link |
1 | JPPY2301 | Blood Cancer Identification using Hybrid Ensemble Deep Learning Technique | Deep Learning | MobileNetV2 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
2 | JPPY2302 | Breast Cancer Classification using CNN with Transfer Learning Models | Deep Learning | DenseNet201 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
3 | JPPY2303 | Calorie Estimation of Food and Beverages using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
4 | JPPY2304 | Detection and Identification of Pills using Machine Learning Models | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
5 | JPPY2305 | Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases in ECG Images Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
6 | JPPY2306 | Development of Hybrid Image Caption Generation Method using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | ResNet50 Architecture + LSTM. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
7 | JPPY2307 | Dog Breed Classification using Inception-ResNet-V2 | Deep Learning | Xception Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
8 | JPPY2308 | Forest Fire Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
9 | JPPY2309 | Digital Image Forgery Detection Using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | CNN Model Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
10 | JPPY2311 | Kidney Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Models | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture + Artificial Neural Network (ANN). | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
11 | JPPY2312 | Medicinal Herbs Identification | Deep Learning | Xception Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
12 | JPPY2313 | Monkeypox Diagnosis with Interpretable Deep Learning | Deep Learning | ResNet50V2 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
13 | JPPY2314 | Music Genre Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network | Deep Learning | Artificial Neural Networks Model(ANN Model). | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
14 | JPPY2315 | Pancreatic Cancer Classification using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | Random Forest Classifier, Naive bayes and CNN Model Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
15 | JPPY2316 | Prediction of Lung Cancer using Convolution Neural Networks | Deep Learning | InceptionV3 Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
16 | JPPY2317 | Signature Fraud Detection using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | Siamese Neural Networks. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
17 | JPPY2318 | Skin Cancer Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques | Deep Learning | CNN Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
18 | JPPY2319 | Traffic Sign Classification using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture & YOLOv5. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
19 | JPPY2320 | Disease Classification in Wheat from Images Using CNN | Deep Learning | MobileNet Architecture. | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
20 | JPPY2333 | Detection of Lungs Cancer through Computed Tomographic Images using Deep Learning | Deep Learning | CNN Model Architecture, Resnet, Naive Bayes, and K-nearest Neighbors | Python | Rs.5000/ | Buy Link |
21 | JPPY2321 | A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier & Decision Tree Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
22 | JPPY2322 | A Machine Learning Model to Predict a Diagnosis of Brain Stroke | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier & Bagging Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
23 | JPPY2323 | CO2 Emission Rating by Vehicles Using Data Science | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier & Decision Tree Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
24 | JPPY2324 | Cyber Hacking Breaches Prediction and Detection Using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
25 | JPPY2325 | Fake Profile Detection on Social Networking Websites using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier & Decision Tree Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
26 | JPPY2326 | Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Machine Learning | Decision Tree Classifier and Bagging Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
27 | JPPY2327 | Drug Recommendation System in Medical Emergencies using Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier and Decision Tree Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
28 | JPPY2328 | Efficient Machine Learning Algorithm for Future Gold Price Prediction | Machine Learning | Random Forest Regressor. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
29 | JPPY2329 | Heart Disease Prediction With Machine Learning | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier, Bagging Classifier, XG Boost & LightGBM. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
30 | JPPY2330 | House Price Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm | Machine Learning | Random Forest Regressor. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
31 | JPPY2331 | Human Stress Detection Based on Sleeping Habits Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Machine Learning | Random Forest Classifier. | Python | Rs.3000/ | Buy Link |
🎁Project Deliverables
1) Complete Source Code with Dataset.
2) Final Report / Document (The Document which we provide is PLAGIARIZED DOCUMENT ONLY, which means that it’s not a Unique content. The Documents are with BASIC CONTENTS ONLY, COPIED/TAKEN FROM IEEE PAPER / INTERNET SOURCES. You need to customize it according to your college requirements, we don’t provide customized document)
(Document consists of basic contents of about Abstract, Bibliography, Conclusion, Implementation, I/P & O/P Design, Introduction, Literature Survey, Organisation Profile, Screen Shots, Software Environment, System Analysis, System Design, System Specification, System Study, System Testing)
(The chapter System Design consists of 5 diagrams: Data Flow, Use Case, Sequence, Class, and Activity Diagram)
3) One Review PPT.
4) Software Links required for Installation with How to Install Video.
5) “How to run” execution help file.
6) IEEE Base Paper (PDF).
Unlocking the Power of Python IEEE Projects
Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s widely used in a variety of fields, from data science and machine learning to web development and computer vision. As a computer science student, you may be wondering how to leverage Python’s capabilities in your final year project.
The good news is that Python is an excellent choice for IEEE projects. It offers a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make it easy to build complex and sophisticated software applications. From NumPy and SciPy for scientific computing to Django and Flask for web development, there’s something for every project. Additionally, Python’s simplicity and readability make it a great choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Additionally, Python is widely used in research and industry, and it’s supported by many leading organizations and companies. JP INFOTECH provides readymade Python IEEE Projects in Machine Learning, IEEE Projects in Deep Learning, IEEE Projects in Data Science and IEEE Projects in Artificial Intelligence.
Other Python IEEE Project Titles
Python IEEE Machine Learning Projects
Python IEEE Deep Learning Projects
Why Choose Python IEEE Projects?
IEEE is a globally recognized authority in setting standards for technology and innovation. Here are compelling reasons why Python IEEE projects are the ideal choice for your research and academic endeavors:
Click Here for Python Final Year Projects (Application Projects / Non-IEEE Projects)
Python Machine Learning IEEE Projects – Pioneering Research and Innovation
Welcome to JP INFOTECH’s Machine Learning IEEE Projects hub, where we combine the power of Machine Learning with the precision of IEEE standards. If you’re a student or researcher looking to engage in pioneering research and innovation in the field of Machine Learning, you’ve arrived at the perfect destination.
Why Choose Machine Learning IEEE Projects?
IEEE is globally recognized for its standards in technology and innovation. Here are compelling reasons why Machine Learning IEEE projects are an exceptional choice for your research and academic aspirations:
- Industry Alignment: IEEE standards are widely adopted across technology and engineering sectors, ensuring that your projects are relevant and applicable in real-world scenarios.
- Rigorous Framework: Machine Learning projects developed following IEEE guidelines adhere to strict quality and ethical standards, ensuring robust and reliable research outcomes.
- Expansive Opportunities: IEEE standards encompass various domains, allowing you to explore innovative solutions in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and more.
Why Choose Python for IEEE Projects?
Python is the go-to programming language for many due to its simplicity and versatility. From Machine Learning projects in Python to Deep Learning projects, it provides the tools to build innovative solutions.
- Easy to Learn: Perfect for beginners and experts alike.
- Rich Libraries: Ideal for advanced computations and visualizations.
- Wide Applications: Suitable for domains like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and IoT.
How to Get Started?
Getting started with us is simple and quick:
- Browse Projects: Explore our collection of Python IEEE Projects.
- Select Your Topic: Choose a project that aligns with your interests.
- Get the Source Code: Receive complete code and documentation.
- Learn and Implement: Understand and present your project with ease
Get Your Python IEEE Project Today!
Embark on a journey of research, innovation, and academic excellence with JP INFOTECH’s Python IEEE Projects. Our projects not only align with industry standards but also empower you to contribute to the ever-evolving world of technology and engineering. Take the first step towards making a meaningful impact by selecting JP INFOTECH as your partner in Python IEEE projects.
Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Explore our Python IEEE Projects catalog today!