IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Effective Feature Engineering Technique for Heart Disease Prediction With Machine Learning (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Heart Disease Prediction With Machine Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Heart failure is a chronic disease affecting millions worldwide. An …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Drug Recommendation System in Medical Emergencies using Machine Learning (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Enhancing Emergency Medication Decisions with Machine Learning based Adaptive Drug Recommendation System IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Online recommender systems are being used …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Advanced Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning with Crime Forecasting and Categorization IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Predicting crime using machine learning and deep learning …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Fake Profile Detection on Social Networking Websites using Machine Learning (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Instagram Fake Account Detection using Machine Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: These days, social media has a significant impact on everyone’s …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Machine Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a type of …
Traffic Sign Classification using Deep Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: The ability of a vehicle to self-drive is receiving a lot of attention these days. One of the most significant features of a self-driving car is its capacity to identify …
Signature Fraud Detection using Deep Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Image analytics solutions are very crucial for not only security, but also for authentication purposes. One such intriguing new Deep Learning application is automatic signature verification. Signed papers are the …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Pancreatic Cancer Classification using Deep Learning (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Pancreatic Cancer Detection and Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: The great majority of the computer systems that are now …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Blood Cancer Identification using Hybrid Ensemble Deep Learning Technique (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Blood Cancer Detection and Classification using Deep Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Blood cancer-related illnesses may be challenging to examine and diagnose, …
IEEE BASE PAPER TITLE: Disease Classification in Wheat from Images Using CNN (or) OUR PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE: Wheat Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Wheat is a staple crop for large sections of the global population. …