Alzheimer’s Disease Detection using Deep Learning PROJECT ABSTRACT: Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurological disorder. For the AD, there is no specific treatment. Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease can help patients receive the correct care. Many studies employ statistical and …
Vehicle Speed Detection using OpenCV and Python PROJECT ABSTRACT: This project is to predict the speed of a vehicle with respect to the data from a recorded video source. Traffic congestion is the main problem faced by big cities all …
Mouse Cursor Control using Eye Movements PROJECT ABSTRACT: Controlling the mouse by a physically challenged person is really a tough one. To find a solution for the people who cannot use the Mouse physically, we have proposed this mouse cursor …
Lung Cancer Detection Using CNN PROJECT ABSTRACT: Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer types; thousands of peoples are infected with this type of cancer, and if they do not discover it in the early stages of the …
A Novel Method to Predict Knee Osteoarthritis using Deep Learning PROJECT ABSTRACT: Osteoarthritis (OA), particularly knee OA, is the most common type of arthritis, and it causes major disability in patients all over the world. One of the most common …
Pancreatic Tumor Detection Using Image Processing PROJECT ABSTRACT: Pancreatic Tumor is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. However, pancreatic cancer can be cured if it is detected at an early stage. In this paper, an attempt is …
Real Time Facial Expression Based Smart Music Player PROJECT ABSTRACT: The face is an important aspect in predicting human emotions and mood. Usually the human emotions are extracted with the use of camera. There are many applications getting developed based …
Skin Lesion Analysis towards Melanoma Detection Using Deep Learning Network PROJECT ABSTRACT: Skin lesion is a severe disease in world-wide extent. Early detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is …
Real time Facial expression recognition in Python | Facial Emotion Detection PROJECT ABSTRACT: We offer Real-time Facial Expression Recognition in Python with CNN for detecting facial emotions in real-time and in bulk to obtain a higher classification result in this …
Virtual Mouse using Hand Gesture Recognition PROJECT ABSTRACT: Researchers from all over the world are working to make our devices more interactive and to make them work with minimal physical contact. In this study, we suggest an interactive computer system …