Deep Learning for Large-Scale Traffic-Sign Detection and Recognition IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Automatic detection and recognition of traffic signs plays a crucial role in management of the traffic-sign inventory. It provides an accurate and timely way to manage traffic-sign inventory …
Deep Learning Based Fusion Approach for Hate Speech Detection IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: In recent years, the increasing prevalence of hate speech in social media has been considered as a serious problem worldwide. Many governments and organizations have made significant …
Crop Yield Prediction based on Indian Agriculture using Machine Learning IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: In India, we all know that Agriculture is the backbone of the country. This paper predicts the yield of almost all kinds of crops that are …
COVID-19 Future Forecasting Using Supervised Machine Learning Models IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Machine learning (ML) based forecasting mechanisms have proved their significance to anticipate in perioperative outcomes to improve the decision making on the future course of actions. The ML …
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Crime Hotspots IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Crime prediction is of great significance to the formulation of policing strategies and the implementation of crime prevention and control. Machine learning is the current mainstream prediction …
Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19: Deep Learning Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: COVID-19 outbreak has put the whole world in an unprecedented difficult situation bringing life around the world to a frightening halt and claiming thousands of …
Academic Performance Prediction Based on Multisource, Multifeature Behavioral Data IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Digital data trails from disparate sources covering different aspects of student life are stored daily in most modern university campuses. However, it remains challenging to (i) combine …
A Machine Learning Methodology for Diagnosing Chronic Kidney Disease IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem with high morbidity and mortality rate, and it induces other diseases. Since there are no obvious symptoms during …
Improving Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Cloud Computing IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: Data sharing is a convenient and economic service supplied by cloud computing. Data contents privacy also emerges from it since the data is outsourced to …
Characterizing the Propagation of Situational Information in Social Media During COVID-19 Epidemic: A Case Study on Weibo IEEE BASE PAPER ABSTRACT: During the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), people use social media to acquire and exchange various types of …