E-Authentication System using QR code and OTP
E-Authentication System using QR code and OTP
In this project we develop E-Authentication System using QR code and OTP for the Students Attendance System. The use of QR code-based technologies and applications has become prevalent in recent years where QR codes are accepted to be a practical and intriguing data representation / processing mechanism amongst worldwide users. The aim of this study is to design and implement an alternative two-factor identity authentication system by using QR codes and to make the relevant mechanism and process that could be more user-friendly and practical than one-time password mechanisms used with similar purposes today. The proposed model in this project has been designed in order to enable the verification and validation steps with several security and networking options during the logon process. The model has been implemented by developing a two-factor identity verification system where the second factor is the user’s email ID which can be accessed from PC or Mobile device and a pseudo-randomly generated alphanumerical QR code which is used as the one-time password token sent to the user via e-mail. The proposed model has been developed using Java & MYSQL languages with symmetrical and asymmetrical cryptography standards for database encryption / hashing and network infrastructure and it has been tested as a prototype where promising results are observed regarding the efficiency, speed and security requirements.
- In “A Secure Mobile Payment System using QR Code” paper, the authors proposed a state of affairs for mobile payment that tackles each considerations of the method, namely: speed of group action and security, while not complicating the method or creating it undesirable to users.
- In the paper “QR-TAN: Secure Mobile Transaction Authentication, the authors contributed with the QR-TAN authentication technique. QR-tans area unit a dealing authentication technique supported two-dimensional barcodes. Compared to different established techniques, QR-tans show 3 advantages: initial, QR-tans enable the user to directly validate The content of a dealing among a sure device. Second,validation is secure notwithstanding associate offender manages to achieve full management over a user‟s laptop. Finally, QR-tans together with sensible cards may also be utilised for offline transactions that don’t need any server
- In the system “Advanced Online Banking Authentication System Using One Time Passwords Embedded in Q-R Code”, the authors explained implementation details of on-line banking authentication system. Security is associate vital issue for on-line banking application which might be enforced by varied web technologies. Whereas implementing on-line banking system, secure information transfer want is consummated by exploitation https information transfer and info encryption techniques for secure storage of sensitive info. To eliminate threat of phishing and to substantiate user identity we have a tendency to ar aiming to use conception of QR-code with robot application. QR-code which might be scanned by user mobile device that overcome the weakness of ancient countersign based mostly system. We have a tendency to improvemore security by exploitation only once countersign (OTP) that hides within QR- code
- The most drawbacks is that data on the web may be haphazardly changed by malicious code.
- Easily hacked by Intruders/hackers.
- Very traditional method of using passwords or using complex passwords makes to store the data somewhere so it is mostly leakable to some other easily.
- Need to change the password in regular interval of time.
- In the proposed scheme, the user can easily and efficiently login into the system. We analyze the security and usability of the proposed scheme, and show the resistance of the proposed scheme to hacking of login credentials, shoulder surfing and accidental login. The shoulder surfing attack can be performed by the adversary to obtain the user’s password by watching over the user’s shoulder as he enters his password. Since, we have come up with a secure system schemes with different degrees of resistance to shoulder surfing have been proposed.
- In order to use this authentication system, user need to first register himself into this system by filing up the basic registration details. After a successful registration, user can access the login module where he/she need to first authenticate the account by entering the email id and password which was entered while registration. Once the email id and password is authenticated, the user may proceed with next authentication section where he/she need to select the type of authentication as QR (Quick Response) Code and OTP (One Time Password).
- Once the user selects the authentication type, the use needs to upload the QR code and enter the OTP which is received in the email. If the user passes the authentication, then system will redirect to the main page and attendance is marked. The OTP is randomly generated by the system at every time of login.
- Helps users to login into their account more securely.
- Hackers won’t be able to collect the password via shoulder surfing.
- Complex password technique with easy user interface.
- Two way authentication is done, so it is more secure and not vulnerable to any kind of attacks.
- System : Pentium i3 Processor
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- Monitor : 15’’ LED
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
- Ram : 2 GB
- Operating system : Windows 10.
- Coding Language : JAVA
- Tool : Netbeans 8.2
- Database : MYSQL