Panchayat Union Automation System
Panchayat Union Automation System
The objective of this project is to automate the panchayat union, thus all details related to ward, electricity connection, water supply, ward expenses and user complaints can be maintained in the database. Thus the admin can retrieve the needed details from the database in a simpler manner. The ward details with councilor contact details are stored in the database. The user can apply for electricity connection and for water supply which get recorded in the database. The notification related to water supply and shutdown can be intimated to the user through the application. The panchayat needs to spend more expenses for the development which get maintained as per the ward. The user can enter into the application to register the complaint in related to the issues in ward. The user can view the complaints and then corresponding steps can be taken for the issues. The overall report of electricity connection and water supply details can be generated using report.
- Now a day’s people in the rural areas has to go to panchayat office in their location to apply electricity connection, water bill payment etc. provided in that office. It requires a lot of time and may result in work delay. People also face so many problems in their area. They complain to their respective ward members but they may or may not respond quickly. There are many other problems in the present day panchayat raj system.
- The present system is totally based on the manual data management. It includes maintaining register for records. It includes maintaining register for records. Handwritten requests are provide to the residents. Receipt book are used to acknowledge received amount. The people may or not be available at the time of requirements.
- It is very time consuming process.
- The person has to wait for long time for officers. If any officers are not available in the office, then the process delays even more.
- The data in the office has to be maintained manually. There is no security for the data and faults can be encountered during entering the data mainly which require higher calculations.
- The existing system of Panchayat doesn’t have any tracking for records.
- Panchayat Union Automation system provides online service to the people living in that area. All the services which are done manually are made online in the project. The people can know about their panchayat, activities notifications and all other information related their villages. All the applications are applied and verified online. The users on the people in the village can complain about their problem through online. Suggestions are also accepted from the people for the development of their village. The user can request any application, suggestion, and complaint at anywhere and at any time.
- The proposed system is Panchayat Union Automation system. Here everything is done online. The activities like applying electricity connection, paying bill and complaints can be done through online. No waiting is required. Even if the officer is not available in the village, he can verify applications online. It is very quick process than the existing system.
- The proposed Panchayat Union Automation System is an initiative for providing software solution attempting automation of Gram Panchayat functions. Benefits are improved citizen services, better transparency, streamlining of procedures and monitoring of revenues & services.
- It takes very less time for completion of process.
- The applications and requests can be verified by the officers wherever they are and can take necessary actions.
- It is very easy for giving complaints and suggestions.
- New Ward Entry
- View Ward Details
- New Electricity Entry
- View all Connections
- Set Water Pipe
- Water Payment
- Ward Expenses
- Check Expenses
- View Complaint
- Notification
- Report Generation
- Register Complaint
- View Notifications
New Ward Entry:
The new ward entry can be carried out under the unique ward number. The details such as area name, land mark details, no of families, no of votes, councilor name and councilor contact details are stored in the database. The ward number helps to extract the needed contact details of the ward in a simpler manner.
View Ward Details:
The overall ward details can be viewed by using data grid control. The panchayat admin can view the needed ward details in an easy manner.
New Electricity Entry:
If the user wants to get new electricity connection, it gets registered through this module. The owner details, address details and category of supply needed are registered in the database. Each connection gets a unique id, which helps to generate a receipt for the user.
View all connections :
The overall connections can be viewed through this module. The connections as per the house and shop can be categorized by using data grid control.
Set Water Pipe:
The water connection provided for the house can be maintained under this module. The payments for establishing connections are being carried through this module. The connection get stored as per the category (drinking water / salt water) selected. The cost for the establishment also gets stored in the database.
Water Payment:
The payment for the water connection as per the duration should be carried out. The connection id helps to retrieve the corresponding connection details from the database. The payments for the corresponding connection are maintained and once the payment carried out, the payment status gets updated.
Ward Expenses:
The amount allocated for the ward and expenses carried out for the ward are maintained under this module. The details are maintained as per the date, therefore generating the expenses report will become an easy task.
Check Expenses:
The expenses report can be generated as per the allocation and expenses details. The left side of the report tells the fund allocated details with the date and the right side of the report shows the expenses spent for the ward.
View Complaint:
The user can enter into the application to register the complaint. All those complaint can be viewed by the admin and as per the complaint, the steps can be taken in due time.
Send Notification:
The panchayat admin can send the notification in related to shut down and water supply. The shutdown date and area details can be notified by the admin. The water supply area, date and time of supply will be intimated to the users.
Report Generation:
The overall report for the electricity connection established, water connection and amount collection for the connection can be generated.
Register Complaint:
The user can enter into the application to register the complaint or issue in the ward. The details of the ward can be retrieved by using the ward number. Under the corresponding ward number, the issue gets registered with the photo.
View notifications:
The user can view all the notifications from the admin. The notifications such as view shutdown time and area, water supply date, time and area. Those notifications help to allocate the time as per the needs
- System : Pentium i3 Processor
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- Monitor : 15’’ LED
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
- Ram : 4 GB
- Operating system : Windows 10.
- Coding Language : JAVA
- Tool : Netbeans 13
- Database : MYSQL